Saturday, November 8, 2008


Ok, you're going to be reading these posts in the wrong order... Nao's thoughtful introduction will now be overshadowed by my meaningless twittering. Bad luck...

As you may have gleaned from the sidebar - I am the Priest the title refers to, and yes, it's holy all the way baby, from level 1 (10?) onwards. None of this 'playing with the shadow' stuff for me /shakes head. The much discussed 'dual spec' scares the beejesus out of me... um damage? Really, like 'proper' damage, not just poncing around with silly flames and weird 'from behind' light? You sure about that now? Nao knows what kind of a mess I can get into with just a little dps at my disposal - I'm sure the concept of the big guns makes his mind, well... flay! And I know, for easier levelling and stuff it would be useful, but like Nao's post said - we levelled 1-70 together, something tells me that the next ten levels might be quite similar - so why would I actually need a second spec? (And anyone who is even thinking PvP should stop that train of thought before it reaches the station... the little PvP I *had* to do, and with G.N.E.R.D.S for goodness sake, was for a reason...) So in terms of excitement, dual specs ain't doing it for me.

What, however is doing it for me is that when Wrath (finally) hits my gaming will have meaning again. I think everyone has been suffering the post-patch, pre-expansion blues a bit. Yes, it's nice to see content, for gods sake, I PuG'd Magtherion /faint but really, when everything does 30% less damage the excitement is minimal (the stress, weirdly, is the same though.) And, as a healer, boss fights for me go something like this: Read up on healing strategy. Frighten myself stoopid watching said YouTubed fight. Shake a lot. Do fight. Fail at healing and wipe (no I jest, this only happens occasionally, I am actually quite good at what I do). Go back to YouTube with smirk on face and actually see what happens in fight. I know tanks suffer from this as well, 'scrolling combat text is great but all I see are numbers' Nao is often heard to say. In my case it isn't even numbers, it's just the green lines of health bars...

But yes, Wrath. Questing, proper questing that isn't dailies or for rep (ahem, yes I did it...) infact I can't even remember the last playing I did that wasn't: raiding, dailies or rep grind. How sad is that? So bring on Northrend!! Bring on the murlocs (and the worgen)!! Bring on new content, lots of 10-man raids, bring on Naxx as for post TBC gamers like me we've never even seen him!! Bring on my rug (eventually) and my hog dammit. And, yes, I have the wit to have an engineer buddy who is going to make me one. Not sure how good for my image it will be but frankly, my dear, who gives a damn...

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