Friday, December 19, 2008

I'd forgotten...

... that when you get to 80 all there is to do is grind, whether it's for gold, mats, rep, badges or gear.


I was bitching about levelling wasn't I? I guess the grass is always greener... No seriously, it's actually ok. We've been doing heroics, um lemme see, Utgarde Keep, Nexus (really, how often can you make that the daily?), Drak'tharon Keep last night. We did Utgarde Pinnacle. The gauntlet was bad enough but after about 4 wipes ('keep out of the fucking whirlwind!') we did manage it - the only good thing was the last boss was cake in comparison! We also tried, mmm, Halls of either Lightening or Stone. Yeah that's how traumatic it was! Right after a quick flip to Wowhead it was Halls of Lightening. It was ok up until Loken then it got very not ok. All the comments seem to be along the lines of 'just run away from the AoE lightening', well, either it's not quite that simple or we were doing something very wrong. Either way we were taking such huge crits that we decided we'd come back some other time (with better gear and a fuck ton of nature resistance).

All in all it's been ok. I was having some *issues* the other night and deleted my DK in a moment of toys-outta-the-pram-ness but after grief from Sem (the plan being his drood, Nao's drood and I were gonna level together) I gave in and sent the GMs a begging mail so they re-instated her (with obligatory lecture about 'deletion is supposed to be permanent...') Moral of the story? If you're pissed off stop playing, turn comp off and walk away. The only saving grace was at least it wasn't Pilf that bought it! Second moral? Hormones, winter and feeling generally got at is probably another reason to go away and read a book. Sometimes, I think, things in this game are a lot bigger than they should be /sad face.

And they are nerfing my CoH. Bout I've spouted about that already so I won't again. I s'pect I'll get used to it (You see that??? That right there? That was me being positive, that was !)

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