Sunday, December 7, 2008

Speccing (again)

/ sigh. I never manage to seem to get my specs right the first (or second... or third) go. Nao on the other hand is a different story. He spends ages on the Wowhead calculator thingy and as a result doesn't bodge it up. It seems that patience is on the list of qualities that I need to learn...

However I'm having a specific spec issue at the moment. I currently have a hybrid disc/holy 23/46 build which give me my CoH and improved DS. Which is nice. But I don't have (and with my current build, can't get) my oh shit button. And I've read and read and read about the pros and cons of it and now my head hurts. I *think* I'm a pretty capable healer but I do hate having the tank's health dropping like a stone (especially when the melee dps is also dropping...) so the help button would be good. But that means, I think, there's no way I can keep my improved DS. Or possibly even my normal DS. Humph. And I guess with the way RotS is currently going I'm going to be the main priest. Possibly the only one who's really going to actively want to raid. I'm hoping that 10-mans are going to be forgiving enough to have a priest/resto drood combo - which I guess is even more reason to have Guardian Spirit. It *should* be a wipe stopper - shouldn't it?

I suppose that the intelligent thing to do really is to get going on the heroic 5-mans, I'm nearly at 79 as is Nao so a few more days should do it, then play around with my specs to get a feel for what works and what doesn't. But the dynamics of the 'usual suspects' 5-man vs. 10-mans is so different. Admittedly I'm used to healing Nao as a paladin not 'Bane as a warrior which always freaks me out a lot but even with that aside I'm not sure the *ideal* spec is the same. Bah I'm winding myself up badly now. Just I want to really make raiding work this time round. And I really don't want to be the weak link. That said Nao found me a post from the Blue Dudes dissing healing meters which I don't really know what to make of:

"Healing meters are a silly way of measuring healer performance. Often it's when and who you heal that is much more important than how much you heal. But measuring healing is very difficult, so players tend to go back to meters" /squee

See I do rely on my Recount (you may have noticed...) And it's not about comparison with other healers in my party it's about the fact that I like some way of monitoring how I do. And before you tell me that if everyone's alive, it was ok, I know. I really like to know if I'm winning my overheal battle (nope, it'll be an ongoing struggle) or at least if it's dropping a bit. Note to self: comparing overheal with drood HoTs is a fail. That's why I use it. It's not about competition, flexing my e-peen or anything. It's just a measure of self crisisism...

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