Wednesday, January 14, 2009

'Dancing' with Heigan

For those of you who haven't had the pleasure go watch. It's the sort of fight that really annoys me. If you lag you're fooked. Ditto if you're fractionally behind. Ditto if you take more than one hit. It's my new Prince fight. It'll either be fine or it'll be a disaster. Someone kept count and we did it on the 5th attempt ( /gulp @ repair bills!) The 5th attempt we lost one person (a gnome ofc, have to keep them raid gods happy somehow) and everyone else was standing at the end. I have to salute druid HoTs. If we hadn't had them it would have been virtually impossible. To illustrate a little better: usually when we get a boss down there's excitement down vent. This time there was stunned silence and a few 'thank gods we haven't got to do that again' sighs. A few /cheer emotes in raid chat but aside from that nada. That fight will be painfull to me always.

But then, of course, you come to Loatheb. He's a swine isn't he? All that 'no healing for 20 seconds then a 3 second healing window' malarkey. Bah. But we one-shotted him. So Bane was pleased, the raid was pleased. The Tier 7 shoulders went to Sem so he was pleased. All in all, not bad. It resets tonight - we start again tomorrow.

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